Technology Vs Pragmatic Technology

Innovative Technologies always makes progress of the society, It makes human lives better and it makes better society. When technology can solve real world problems that technology become  a pragmatic Technology.
"Absolute control of environing conditions impossible. The domain of meaning is not, and cannot be, coextensive with the domain of experience. There is always an experiencable but unknowable residue. Moreover, a disaster ,either natural or artificial, could terminate human life. On the positive side, however, Dewey thought that would constitute great progress if human beings would begin to think of themselves as responsible for their own individual and corporate features".(Page 106,John Dewey's Pragamatic Technology by Larry A.Hickman).
Every generation human beings face different problems. Generation wise problems are also changing because of society and nature always change. This universe, nature is dynamic and it is not stagnate.
And developing and developed world problems are also different. Problems are different because of  geography, culture, population, resources, education standards, politics and economical conditions.
Some techno  solutions  are universal, it applicable on entire globe everywhere because of human nature is  same in  the entire world and human problems also same in the entire globe.
Technology is a pure science, it can experiment with all ideas. Whether it is fictional and fantasy or fact and reality. No need to solve human beings real world problems. Because it can imaginative and creative.

On the other hand, Pragmatic technology must solve real world problems. It can alter and upgrade all the time. It can create and destroy.


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